Feb 2 concert / Chicken update / Practice charts / Save the Date / New school practice binders (5 topics)
Feb 2nd – Shane Cook and guests Concert 2/630pm Shane Cook is a Canadianviolinist and a long-time member of the celtic fusion ensemble Bowfire. He is a past Canadian Grand Master fiddler and U.S. National Fiddle Champion. He will be joined by the students of the SSSM, NSYA, Elsa Allred, Kim Holmes and Mark Currie.
2:00pm concert: https://shanecook200pm.eventbrite.ca/ 6:30pm concert: https://shanecook630pm.eventbrite.ca/
Here is the list for which concert you are in so you can purchase your tickets:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KGaNeDqoY9s1RIvnO34uAQNDMGo9E9tBWBv_sHvjAuY
Kenya – SSSM Chicken Update Thanks to so many families, participation and support we have sold over half of our chickens to reach our project goal in Kenya. It’s not too late to purchase your chickens and join the project. Video about the project: https://www.facebook.com/christyskenyanvision/videos/1238480639638556/ To join the project:https://www.gofundme.com/christmaschickensinkenya
Christmas Practice ChartsRegular private classes at SSSM start this weekend January 5th. Bring in your Christmas practice charts in to your next private lesson all filled up and give it to your teacher! I can’t wait to see all of your hard work and also the gifts of music given by our SSSM students!
Save the Dates – SSSM SPRING concertDress rehearsal at the SSSM hall – May 10th
At Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica, 5221 Spring Garden Road 5:15pm arrive for 6pm Concert – May 11th
New SSSM lesson Binders Your teachers and the school assistants Emmanuel, Teddy and Chloe have been working hard over the break to bring you wonderful new SSSM SCHOOL BINDERS that will help you all stay organized, take notes at your lessons and to practice effectively each day in the new year. The cost is $10 each and the fee will be added to your Feb invoice. Your teachers will give them to you at your first or second private lessons in 2019.